Green Door Studio Facilities

The Green Door has three personal art spaces, a central gallery, book and paper studio, community darkroom and an outdoor patio.


Timber Studio
The three artist studios are 196 square feet, each with unique design features. Member artists use the spaces to create. Pictured here is a space with exposed timber framing built by Drew Matott.


The Gallery at the Green Door hosts artist exhibits from April to October and participates in Burlington's South End Art Hop. The exhibits range from traditional media to full scale installations.


Paper Studio
The Green Door Studio is home to The People's Republic of Paper a community paper and book studio. It has a hollander beater, 23 inch guillotine paper cutter and hydrolic book press.


The community darkroom at the Green Door has three enlarger bays with the ability to work in 35mm and larger formats.


Immediately outside the Green Door is a terraced patio that doubles as an outdoor workspace and a social gathering space. The patio was built by GDS members over two years. Pictured is Carol Vossler receiving a gift from Ken Lawless during the exhibit BluSeed at Green Door, July 2005.