Photography at the Green Door Studio


The GDS offers a community darkroom, suitably equipped with three enlargers (one offering a dichroic head with dial-in color controls), three enlarging stations, plenty of "wet side" counter space and temperature controlled running water. The space is ideally set up to print black and white images from 35 mm, 6x6 square or 6x7 format film using the enlargers, or any size sheet film utilizing contact printing techniques. We've also installed an 8 x 10 enlarger to accommodate the needs of our large format friends. The darkroom can also be used to project images on floor or walls and provides a protected workspace when using light-sensitive paints or chemicals by other studio artists.


Tom Lascell
Tom uses the traditional 'silver' print in 35 mm, 6x6 and 6x7 medium formats to express his vision. Themes vary from natural landscapes to the more abstract, often with a shallow depth of field. He has also experimented with Van Dyke brown and Kallitype processing.

Tom Lascell


Phil Gingrow
Phil uses an 8x10 view camera. He develops his film by inspection in open trays and makes prints using silver chloride contact printing paper.

Phil Gingrow