Art Hop at the Green Door Studio, 2002


In September 2002, Green Door Studio members joined in Burlington's South End Art Hop celebration for the first time.


Lydia Invite
Lydia Bright's invite for Art Hop


Drew Matott
Drew Matott's invite for Art Hop


The gallery filled with work by Lydia Bright, Eric Eickmann and Terry Findeisen


Terry's Chairs
Terry Findeisen's granite chairs


Laura Kadish


Josh Lascell
Laura Kadish and Josh Lascell displayed black and white prints.


Drew Matott
Portrait of George Bush by Drew Matott


Chelsea Bush installed a hand blown glass engine on a motor bike, lit from inside


punchdrunk & mersy video installation


Drew Matott
Drew Matott's silkscreen film projected onto the alley wall


Art Hop at Green Door Studio